Stephen & Patricia Wootton, along with their children, began creating bags of hope for the homeless in 2020. With each bag they gave out, joy radiated from both their hearts and the recipient’s heart. These encounters were remarkable, but they weren’t enough for the Woottons. They knew more needed to be done… Many were in need. Many were without hope. And many needed Jesus.

"I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry again. Whoever believes in me will never be thirsty" (John 6:35).

And so, Joy Counts Ministries was birthed in St. Augustine, Florida in 2021. It is there that the Woottons adopted the idea of helping not only the homeless, but the orphan, the widow, and the unexpectant mother. They have since relocated to Clay County, and expanded their reach; now helping the poor and the battered as well. Together with God, JCM equips and engages local partners, so as to share the love of Christ, give hope, and remind those facing trials to take heart and count it all as joy.

Stephen & Patricia Wootton, together with their four children, attend a local non-denominational church. Throughout the week, they “consider how they may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together” (Hebrews 10:24-25).

As a family, they also spend their time attending museums, cooking, fishing, going on nature walks, playing board games, practicing instruments, reading books, viewing air shows, watching basketball games, working out, and worshipping the LORD.

By trade, Stephen is an engineer, Patricia is an instructor, and the children pursue dreams of Paleontology, Meteorology, and the Fine Arts.

Joy Counts Ministries is a team
of two board directors, one advisor, & fifteen volunteers.

Join our team and influence your community!

Giving Hope in Hardship

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