See the impact

There are 1,457 known persons throughout Clay, Duval, and St. Johns counties who are currently experiencing homelessness. Many are unhoused, as shelters are full. 71% of these are experiencing homelessness for the first time. And many more are on the verge of joining this statistic. Clay, Duval, and St. Johns counties count a stagering 183,190 people currently experiencing poverty.

And so Joy Counts Ministries give not to alleviate but to imitate Christ, to grow his kingdom, and to remind those facing trials to take heart and count it all joy

Gives Bags of Hope to 50 homeless in Duval county.

Founder, Stephen Wootton, equips Clay County Sheriff’s department with 51 Bags of Hope for the homeless.

Partners with Mission of the Dirt Road to give hope to 30+ families in Clay county.

Gives hope to 20 homeless at local soup kitchen.

Gives hope to the homeless in St. Johns county.

Griefs with a widow.

Gives hope to the homeless in Duval county.

Equips community partners with Bags of Hope.

Gives hope to a Duval family in need.

Gives hope to 68 homeless in Clay county.

“For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, ‘You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land ‘” (Deuteronomy 15:11).

Giving Hope in Hardship

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